Setting up a Gen3 receiver with MP-73 or MP-53

Setting up a Gen3 receiver with MP-73 or MP-53

As with all wireless technology a receiver needs to be tuned to the correct frequency or band to receive a wireless signal from a specific transmitter.  For our Generation 3 wireless radio's and controllers it's no different.  

Step 1: Get the Scoreboard Group Number

Turn off the scoreboard for 10 seconds.  Then turn it back on.  Record the number that displays in the home window.

Step 2: Change the Controller Group to Match the Scoreboard

1. Hold down the SHIFT and BAT/RF buttons until one sees “Enter Pass Code”
2. Enter pass code: 9632
3. Enter group #: __

Note: We should be connected to the scoreboard now. But things may look odd because we haven't set the board type code.

Step 3: Change Scoreboard Board Type

1. Hold down the SHIFT and BAT/RF buttons until one sees “Enter Pass Code”
2. Enter pass code: 1507
3. Enter board type #: __
      a. The G3 Receiver will then “reset” (showing all 8’s) and then a number should appear. (This number is the Field/Court ID, it is used when you have multiple scoreboards on the same               group and need to make changes to a specific one.  Each board on that group has a unique number assigned to it.
4. Enter the number of the one to change: __

Note: At this point things should start to look normal, assuming that the controller is on the right board type and sport settings are correct.

At this point you can leave things the way they are but we recommend specific group numbers for boards based on their model number.  Please review the attached document to find your model number and recommended board type code and group number.  

The following steps are only necessary to established recommended settings.

Step 4: Change Scoreboard Group #

1. Hold down the SHIFT and BAT/RF buttons until one sees “Enter Pass Code”
2. Enter pass code: 7456
3. Enter group #: __ (Note: This can be found in the chart previously provided).
a. The G3 Receiver will then “reset” (showing all 8’s) and then a number should appear.
4. Enter the number of the one to change: __

Step 5: Change the Controller Group to Match the Scoreboard

1. Hold down the SHIFT and BAT/RF buttons until one sees “Enter Pass Code”
2. Enter pass code: 9632
3. Enter group #: __

If at this point you still do not have a working scoreboard, then further troubleshooting for defective parts is necessary.

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